{Synopsis} – In this new, original Stinky Face story, Mama tells her little one that she’s thankful for him. Stinky Face, of course, has a question. With greasy, taco-covered hands and face, he asks, Mama, are you thankful for me even right now?
Being thankful is a perennial theme for this young age group. Learning to appreciate yourself, the people around you, and people’s unique gifts and individuality is a lesson that is more crucial now than ever, and that is what is at the heart of this touching story.
Author Lisa McCourt and illustrator Cyd Moore team up once again to bring us a truly endearing tale of mother and child that’s perfect for the Thanksgiving holiday but can live all year round. This new story is the closest in feel and tone to the original, and with over one and a half million copies sold of I Love You, Stinky Face, we’re confident this one will truly resonate with this audience.
{My thoughts} – This book was a nice little reminder of how Thankful parents can be for their children. Even though children can be messy, difficult and full of sass, parents should still be thankful for them each and every day.
It’s important for children to know that their parents are thankful for them. It’s important for children to understand just how much they mean to their parents. There are so many ways in which children show parents thanks and gratitude. And there are so many ways in which parents can show children thanks and gratitude. The best way for that to happen is by simply telling them. This book gives parents a way to tell their children how thankful they are for them.
I recommend this book for any parents looking for a way to show their children just how special they are to them.
Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.