{Perfect: Sara Shepard}

{Perfect: Sara Shepard}

{Synopsis} – In Rosewood, Pennsylvania, four perfect-looking girls aren't nearly as perfect as they seem.

Aria can't resist her forbidden ex. Hanna is on the verge of losing her BFF. Emily is freaking out over a simple kiss. And Spencer can't keep her hands off anything that belongs to her sister.

Lucky me. I know these pretty little liars better than they know themselves. But it's hard keeping all of their secrets to myself. They better do as I say . . . or else!

{My thoughts} – I wasn’t disappointed in this book. It led to new discoveries and information that I hadn’t been expecting. It is a good read and well worth the time. This book took me three days to read because I had gotten completely wrapped up in wanting know what was going to happen next. There’s a huge unexpected surprise near then end of this book. I was completely thrown for a loop when I read it.

This again is not as much like the show as one would like. Mona’s party in the show took place out in the woods and that was when Hanna got hit by the car when she was sneaking around in the woods trying to figure out who A was and that is also when Aria and Fitz relationship became known to more than just them because someone had written on his back window that they could see them in the car and they didn’t see it cause they were too busy making out in the dark. Therefore A had gotten to a few of the girls that night with little to no effort – however in the book it was different.

Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.


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