{You are My Magical Unicorn: Joyce Wan}

{You are My Magical Unicorn: Joyce Wan}

{Synopsis} – Sparkle and dazzle wherever you go. You’re more amazing than you know!

Do you believe in magic? With Joyce Wan, the sky’s the limit in this delightful, encouraging storybook featuring a lovable unicorn and an even more loving message of hope, persistence, and heart. And at the end of the story you can’t help but snuggle up with your own magical unicorn to remind them that “Baby, I believe in you!”

A wondrous celebration of the magical spark in every child from today’s preeminent board and picture book creator!

{My thoughts} – Joyce Wan to me is as brilliant of a children’s author as Sandra Magsamen. Both authors have incredible books. Joyce’s are more pastel in comparison but they are still very colorful and enjoyable.

I enjoy sharing books of hers with my girls. My two year-old loves them and will ask to keep being read to on a regular basis. Sometimes she will bring us the same book over and over and one of those books are Joyce Wan’s Godnight Sweetie Book. She absolutely loves it. We have a couple of her books that have been very well loved!

This book is very similar to the rest. Pastel colors, colorful words, simple phrases and a neat looking glitter cover. These books are very appealing to young children and help to keep their attention.

I highly recommend any of the books by Joyce Wan. I promise you’ll love them just as my daughters and I do.

Final Conclusion: 5 Star Rating.


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